Jakson tekijät
Journalistinen työ ja käsikirjoitus: Teija Uurinmäki
Kertoja ja tuottaja: Satu Lindstedt
Haastateltavat: Heli Hyytiäinen ja Minna Tallberg
Ääninäyttelijä: Jesse Soini
Äänisuunnittelija: Jesse Soini
Tekninen tuottaja: Juha Lindstedt
Laulu: Anu Hietikko
Kitaramusiikki: Jason Shaw
Dramaturgi: Jouni Leikkonen
Faktantarkistajat: Minna Tallberg, Veera Riihonen ja Heli Hyytiäinen
Jakson tukijat
- Review article: Ridden horse pain ethogram, Sue Dyson, Equine Veterinary Education (2022)
- Gait abnormalities and ridden horse behaviour in a convenience sample of the United Kingdom ridden sports horse and leisure horse population, Sue Dyson, Equine Veterinary Education (2022)
- Equine Research: Development of an ethogram for a pain scoring system in ridden horses and its application to determine the presence of musculoskeletal pain, Sue Dyson et al, Journal of Veterinary Behavior (2018)
- Equine Research: Can the presence of musculoskeletal pain be determined from the facial expressions of ridden horses (FEReq)? Sue Dyson et al, Journal of Veterinary Behavior (2017)
- Performance in the sport horse: dressage, show jumping and horse trials, Sue Dyson, Veterinary Review (2002)
- Review: Understanding and treating equine behavioural problems, Sharon L. Carroll, Benjamin W. Sykes & Paul C. Mills, The Veterinary Journal (2023)
- Horse species symposium: Biomechanics of the exercising horse, Hilary M. Clayton, Journal of Animal Science (2016)
- Development of the Horse Grimace Scale (HGS) as a Pain Assessment Tool in
- Horses Undergoing Routine Castration, Emanuela Dalla Costa et al, PLoS ONE (2014)
- Using the Horse Grimace Scale (HGS) to Assess Pain Associated with Acute Laminitis in Horses (Equus caballus), Emanuela Dalla Costa et al, Animals (2016)
- The development and use of facial grimace scales for pain measurement in animals, Jeffrey S. Mogil et al, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews (2020)
- Research article: EquiFACS: The Equine Facial Action Coding System, Jen Wathan et al, Plos One (2015)
- Can veterinarians reliably apply a whole horse ridden ethogram to differentiate nonlame and lame horses based on live horse assessment of behaviour? S. Dyson et al, Equine Veterinary Education (2020)
- Repeatability of subjective evaluation of lameness in horses, K. G. Keegan et al, Equine Veterinary Journal (2010)
- Research paper: An equine pain face, Karina B. Gleerup et al, Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (2015)
- Performance and rideability issues in horses as a manifestation of pain: A review of differential diagnosis and diagnostic approach, L. N. R. Kjærulff & C. Lindegaard, Equine Veterinary Education (2022)
- Measurement properties of grimace scales for pain assessment in nonhuman mammals: a systematic review, Marina C. Evangelista, Beatriz P. Monteiro & Paulo V. Steagall, PAIN (2022)
- Research article: Effect of transportation and social isolation on facial expressions of healthy horses, Johan Lundblad et al, PlosOne (2021)
- Review Articles: How to Understand Them? A Review of Emotional Indicators in Horses, Letícia Santos Maurício, Denise Pereira Leme & Maria José Hötzel, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science (2023)
- General Biomechanics: The Horse As a Biological Machine, Jeff Moore, Clinical Technique (2010)
- Original Research: Comparison of Asymmetry During Trot In-Hand With Evaluations of Discomfort and Pain in Horses While Exercised, Johanna Soiluva et al, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science (2023)
- Equine Discomfort Ethogram, Catherine Torcivia & Sue McDonnell, Animals (2021)
- Hevosen kivun tunnistaminen käyttäytymisen ja kasvonilmeiden perusteella, Paula Jaakkola, Eläinlääketieteen lisensiaatin tutkielma, Helsingin yliopisto (2019)
Muut lähteet
- Heli Hyytiäinen 11/2023
- Minna Tallberg 11/2023