Jakson tekijät
Journalistinen työ ja käsikirjoitus: Teija Uurinmäki
Kertoja ja tuottaja: Satu Lindstedt
Haastateltavat: Sonja Koski, Ilkka Tyynelä
Ääninäyttelijät: Jesse Soini, Anni Paavilainen, Juha Lindstedt, Petra Tammivirta
Äänisuunnittelija: Jesse Soini
Tekninen tuottaja: Juha Lindstedt
Laulu: Anu Hietikko
Kitaramusiikki: Jason Shaw
Dramaturgi: Jouni Leikkonen
Faktantarkistajat: Sonja Koski, Minna Tallberg ja Veera Riihonen
Jakson tukijat
- Eläin ja ihminen, Telkänranta Helena (2016)
- A systematic review of equine personality, Rankins Ellen M. & Wickens Carissa L., Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2020)
- Sensory sensitivities: Components of a horse’s temperament dimension, Lansade Léa et al, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2008)
- Development of personality tests to use in the field, stable over time and across situations, and linked to horses’ show jumping performance, Lansade Léa et al, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2016)
- Reactivity to humans: A temperament trait of horses which is stable across time and situations, Lansade Léa & Bouissou Marie-France, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2008)
- Fearfulness in horses: A temperament trait stable across time and situations, Lansade Léa et al, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2008)
- The association between performance in show-jumping and personality traits earlier in life, Visser E. K. et al, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2003)
- Responses of horses in behavioural tests correlate with temperament assessed by riders, Visser E. K. et al, Equine Veterinary Journal (2003)
- Reactivity to humans and fearfulness tests: Field validation in Polish Cold Blood Horses, Górecka-Bruzda Aleksandra et al, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2011)
- Personality in young horses and ponies evaluated during breeding shows: Phenotypic link with jumping competition results, Vidament Marianne et al, Journal of Veterinary Behavior (2021)
- Horse pesonality: Variation between breeds, Lloyd Adele Sian et al, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2007)
- Interplay Between Enviromental and Genetic Factors in Temperament/Personality Traits in Horses, Hausberger Martine et al, Journal of Comparative Psychology (2004)
- Does work affect personality? A study in horses, Hausberger Martine et al, PLoS ONE 6(2)/ 2011
- Assessment of equine temperament by a questionnaire survey to caretakers and evaluation of its reliability by simultaneous behavior test, Momozawa Yukihide et al, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2003)
- Equine Personality: Association With Breed, Use and Husbandry Factors, Sackman Jill E. & Houpt Katherine A., Journal of Equine Veterinary Science (2019)
- Do you see what I see? Investigating the validity of an equine personality questionnaire, Jolivald Aurélie et al, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2021)
- Dimensions of horse personality based on owner and trainer supplied personality traits, McGrogan Cindy et al, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2007)
- Personality and predisposition to form habit behaviours during instrumental conditioning in horses, Lansade Léa et al, PLoS ONE 12(2)/2017
- Dimensions of Temperament Modulate Cue-Controlled Behavior: A Study on Pavlovian to Instrumental Transfer in Horses, Lansade Léa et al, PLoS ONE 8(6)/2013
- Horses' learning performances are under the influence of several temperamental dimensions, Lansade Léa & Simon Faustine, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2010)
- Stress affects instrumental learning based on positive or negative reinforcement in interaction with personality in domestic horses, Valenchon Mathilde et al, PLoS ONE 12(5)/2017
- Rating vs. Coding in Animal Personality Research, Highfill Lauren et al, Zoo Biology 29: 509-516 (2010)
- Evaluation of a novel method of horse personality assessment: Rater-agreement and links to behaviour, Lloyd Adele Sian et al, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2006)
- Stability over situations in temperamental traits of horses as revealed by experimental and scoring approaches, Le Scolan Nathalie et al, Behavioural Processes (1997)
- Temperament in Preweanling Horses: Development of Reactions to Humans and Novelty, and Startle Responses, Lansade Léa & Bouissou M. F., Wiley InterScience (2007)
- Quantifying aspects of young hoses’ temperament: consistency of behavioural variables, Visser E.K., et al, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2001)
- The three principles of action: a Pavlovian-instrumental transfer hypothesis, Cartoni Emilio et al, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2013)
- An investigation into physiological correlates of equine personality, Jovivald Aurélie, A thesis Nottingham Trent University (2021)
- Multiple handlers, several owner changes and short relationship lengths affects horses’ responses to novel object tests, Liehrmann Océane et al, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2022)
- Acute changes in oxytocin predict behavioral responses to foundation training in horses, Niittynen Taru et al, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2022)
- Tunnetilan vaikutus hevosten oppimiseen: oksitosiinin ja kortisolin rooli varsojen varhaiskoulutukessa, Niittynen Taru, maisterintutkielma Helsingin yliopisto (2022)
- Ymmärrä koiraasi, Yle Areena, jaksot 1-5
- Sonja Koski 08/2022
- Ilkka Tyynelä 08/2022
- Tori.fi-myynti-ilmoitukset