Jakson tekijät
Journalistinen työ ja käsikirjoitus: Teija Uurinmäki
Kertoja ja tuottaja: Satu Lindstedt
Haastateltavat: Anna Kilpeläinen ja Esa Korhonen
Äänisuunnittelija: Jesse Soini
Tekninen tuottaja: Juha Lindstedt
Laulu: Anu Hietikko
Kitaramusiikki: Jason Shaw
Dramaturgi: Jouni Leikkonen
Faktantarkistajat: Minna Tallberg ja Veera Riihonen
Jakson tukijat
- Evidence-based horsemanship, Dr Steve Peters & Martin Black, Kindle (2012)
- Millaista on olla eläin? Helena Telkänranta (2019)
- The Mind of the Horse, Leblanc Michel-Antoine (2013)
- Equitation Science, McGreevy Paul & al (2018)
- Mutual interactions between cognition and welfare: The horse as an animal model, M. Hausberger & al, Neurosience and Biobehavioral Reviews (2019)
- Cognitivive testing in horses using a computer based apparatus, Vivian Gabor & Martina Gerken, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2012)
- Cognition and learning in horses: What we know and why we should ask more, Lauren Brubanker & Monique A. R. Udell, Behavioural Processes (2016)
- Spatial cognition and perseveration by horses, donkeys and mules in a simple A-not-B detour task, Britta Osthaus & al, Animal Cognition (2013)
- Domestic horses send signals to humans when they face with an unsolvable task, Monamie Ringhofer & Shinya Yamamoto, Animal Cognition (2017)
- Human facial discrimination in horses: can they tell us apart? Sherril M. Stone, Animal Cognition (2010)
- Cognition and the human-animal relationship: a review of the sociocognitive skills of domestic mammals toward humans, Plotine Jardat & Léa Lansade, Animal Cognition (2022)
- Unwilling or willing but unable: can horses intepret human actions as goal directed? Miléna Trösch & al, Animal Cognition (2020)
- Anna Kilpeläinen 10/2022
- Esa Korhonen 10/2022