Jakson tekijät
Journalistinen työ ja käsikirjoitus: Teija Uurinmäki
Kertoja ja tuottaja: Satu Lindstedt
Haastateltava: Anna Andersén
Tarinankertoja: Outi Mäenpää
Ääninäyttelijä: Jesse Soini
Äänisuunnittelija: Jesse Soini
Tekninen tuottaja: Juha Lindstedt
Laulu: Anu Hietikko
Kitaramusiikki: Jason Shaw
Dramaturgi: Jouni Leikkonen
Faktantarkistajat: Minna Tallberg, Veera Riihonen ja Anna Andersén
Jakson tukija
- Empatia – Myötäelämisen tiede, Elisa Aaltola ja Sami Keto (2018)
- Positiivinen kasvatus, Tiia Trogen (2020)
- Empathy is Your Superpower, Prim Hartley (2022)
- Empathy for Animals: A Review of the Existing Literature, Ashley Young, Kathayoon A. Khalil & Jim Wharton, The Museum Journal (2018)
- Review, The Complexity of the Human–Animal Bond: Empathy, Attachment and Anthropomorphism in Human–Animal Relationships and Animal Hoarding, Review, Emanuela Prato-Previde, Elisa Basso Ricci & Elisa Silvia Colombo, Animals (2022)
- Feeling for textual animals: Narrative empathy across species lines, Wojciech Małeckia, Bogusław Pawłowskib, Piotr Sorokowskic & Anna Oleszkiewiczc, Poetics (2019)
- An investigation of human-animal interactions and empathy as related to pet preference, ownership, attachment, and attitudes in children, Beth Daly & L.L. Morton, Anthrozoös (2015)
- Relationship between emotional intelligence and empathy towards humans and animals, Raquel Gómez-Leal, Ana Costa, Alberto Megías-Robles, Pablo Fernández-Berrocal & Luísa Faria, PeerJ (2021)
- Empathic Differences in Men Who Witnessed Animal Abuse, “Dissociation Effect” between Cognitive and Affective Empathy, Beth Daly and L.L. Morton, Society & Animals (2018)
- The Relationship between Empathy and Personality in Undergraduate Students’ Attitudes toward Nonhuman Animals, Exploring the Relationship between Socio-Demographic Background and Empathy toward Nonhuman Animals in Working Horse Caretakers, Daniela Luna, Rodrigo A. Vasquez & Tamara Tadich, Society & Animals (2019)
- Review, Why Should Human-Animal Interactions Be Included in Research of Working Equids’Welfare? Daniela Luna and Tamara A. Tadich, Animals (2019)
- The psychological responses of amateur riders to their horses’ injuries, E. Davies* and S. James, Comparative Exercise Physiology (2018)
- Show Horse Welfare: Horse Show Competitors' Understanding, Awareness, and Perceptions of Equine Welfare, Melissa A. Voigt, Kristina Hiney, Jennifer C. Richardson, Karen Waite, Abigail Borron & Colleen M. Brady, Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science (2016)
- The relationship between working horse welfare state and their owners’ empathy level and perception of equine pain, D Luna, RA Vásquez, JM Yáñez and T Tadich, Animal Welfare (2018)
- Empathy in Nonhumans: A Brief Overview, Lee Alan Dugatkin & Caroline Drscoll, Periodicum Biologorum (2021)
- The comparative study of empathy: sympathetic concern and empathic perspective-taking in non-human animals, Ana Perez-Manrique and Antoni Gomila, Biological Reviews (2018)
- The Relationship between Empathy and Personality in Undergraduate Students’ Attitudes toward Nonhuman Animals, Ann C. Eckardt Erlanger & Sergei V. Tsytsarev, Society & Animals (2012)