Jakson tekijät
Journalistinen työ ja käsikirjoitus: Teija Uurinmäki
Kertoja ja tuottaja: Satu Lindstedt
Haastateltavat: Kyra Kyrklund ja Essi Wallenius
Ääninäyttelijät: Terhi Tammivirta ja Jesse Soini
Äänisuunnittelija: Jesse Soini
Tekninen tuottaja: Juha Lindstedt
Laulu: Anu Hietikko
Kitaramusiikki: Jason Shaw
Dramaturgi: Jouni Leikkonen
Faktantarkistajat: Minna Tallberg ja Veera Riihonen
Jakson tukijat
- “Hevoset hevosina” Eläimen ja sen hyvinvoinnin tulkinta, Nora Schuurman, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta (2012)
- The Welfare Quality® project and beyond: Safeguarding farmanimal well-being, H. J. Blokhuis et al , Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A — Animal Science (2010)
- Review: The 2020 Five Domains Model: Including Human–Animal Interactions in Assessments of AnimalWelfare, David J. Mellor et al, Animals (2020)
- Review: Activity Time Budgets - A Potential Tool to Monitor Equine Welfare? Ulrike Auer et al, Animals (2021)
- A Nordic survey of management practices and owners’ attitudes towards keeping horses in groups, E. Hartmann et al, American Society of Animal Science (2015)
- A review of approaches to assessing equine welfare, J. Hockenhull & H. R. Whay, Equine Veterinary Education (2014)
- Animal welfare: review of the scientific concept and definition, Corrado Carenzi & Marina Verga, Italian Journal of Animal Science (2016)
- Equine on-farm welfare assessment: A review of animal-based indicators, Emanuela Dalla Costa et al, Animal welfare (2014)
- Review: Domestic Foal Weaning: Need for Re-Thinking Breeding Practices? Séverine Henry at al, Animals (2020)
- Reviews: Animal play and animal welfare, Suzanne D. E. Held & Marek Špinka, Animal Behaviour (2011)
- The challenge of challenge: Can problem solving opportunities enhance animal welfare? Cheryl L. Meehan & Joy A. Mensch, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2007)
- Animals in flow - towards the scientific study of intrinsic reward in animals, Sara Hintze & Jason R. Yee, Biological Reviews (2023)
- The Effect of Human-Horse Interactions on Equine Behaviour, Physiology, and Welfare: A Scoping Review, Katherine Jennifer Kelly et al, Animals (2021)
- Emotions in farm animals: a new approach to animal welfare in applied ethology, Lara Désiré et al, Behavioural Processes (2002)
- Keeping horses in groups: A review, Elke Hartmann et al, Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2012)
- Essay: Bestial boredom: a biological perspective on animal boredom and suggestions for its scientific investigation, Charlotte C. Burn, Animal Behaviour (2017)
- Mutual interactions between cognition and welfare: The horse as an animal model, M. Hausberger et al, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews (2019)
- Systematic Review: Equine Social Behaviour: Love, War and Tolerance, Laura Torres Borda et al, Animals (2023)
- Defining Crimes Against Companion Animals in Finland - Passive Neglect and Active Maltreatment, Elli Valtonen et al, Anthrozoös (2023)
- Review of the Foundational Knowledge Required for Assessing Horse Welfare, Andrea M. Harvey et al, Animals (2022)
- Basic Needs in Horses? - A Literature Review, Konstanze Krueger et al, Animals (2021)
- Review: Welfare in horse breeding, M. L. H. Campbell & P. Sandøe, Veterinary Record (2015)
- Animal emotions, behaviour and the promotion of positive welfare states, DJ Mellor, New Zealand Veterinary Journal (2012)
- Extending the ‘Five Domains’ model for animal welfare assessment to incorporate positive welfare states, DJ Mellor & NJ Beausoleil, Animal Welfare (2015)
- Review: Indicators of Horse Welfare: State-of-the-Art, Clémence Lesimple, Animals (2020)
- Welfare issues of horses: an overview and practical recommendations, Michela Minero & Elisabetta Canali, Italian Journal of Animal Science (2009)
- Assessment of positive welfare: A review, J. W. Yeates & D. C. J. Main, The Veterinary Journal (2007)
- Review: Science alone is not always enough: The importance of ethical assessment for a more comprehensive view of equine welfare, Camie R. Heleski & Raymond Anthony, Journal of Veterinary Behavior (2012)
- Conceptions of Eqiune Welfare in Finnish Horse Magazines, Nora Schuurman, Society & Animals (2015)
- Review: Scientific assessment of animal welfare, PH Hemsworth, New Zealand Veterinary Journal (2014)
- Erityiskertomus: Eläinten hyvinvointi EU:ssa: kunnianhimoisten tavoitteiden ja käytännön tason käytäntöönpanon välisen kuilun umpeen kurominen, Euroopan tilintarkastus tuomioistuin (2018)
- Tavoitteena terve ja hyvinvoiva hevonen, Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö, Elintarvike- ja terveysosaston julkaisuja 5a (1999)
- Tavoitteena terve ja hyvinvoiva hevonen, Evira (2011)
Muut lähteet
- Essi Wallenius 08/2023
- Kyra Kyrklund 08/2023
- Juliska Storskrubb 08/2023